Monday, April 7, 2008

2nd chance..?

Each and everyone of us as normal human beings leads a daily life, sometimes you're happy, sometimes you're sad, there're days when it's good, and there're days when it's bad. It's a balance of life just like the 'yin & yang'. We tend to make unexpected decisions sometimes, and it becomes a thing called 'mistakes' as we all know. Every one of us do wish for a 2nd chance to correct our silly mistakes. I know I have one particular mistake of mine which I wish that I could actually turn back time and wish I didn't go on with it. I knew what was actually going on inside you when you told me practically everyday about it just from the sound of your voice and excitement but I seriously didn't know what went wrong that it turns out to be a false hope to you. I blame myself for it no matter how many times you told me it has got nothing to do with me. And you telling me that you know what to do and that you're backing off. I live with the sense of guilt in me every single day then. Wasn't a good feeling at all I must admit, it totally felt so wrong but it still went on. And ended up, you and me both got badly hurt inside. Those were the days we both had ups and downs, I call it the unstable days. Till one day, I realise that it's not working out as how it was suppose to be and situations began to be cold. Totally hated that person, words can't even describe it. Then came to a point or should I say a day, when I suddenly realise it all happened for a reason. Things started to be how I wanted it to be at first, right from the beginning. I see you being your normal self again, back to square one like how it was suppose to be. I totally feel a sense of relief as I know I did the right thing now. It's like I've been given a 2nd chance to do something which I didnt do. I've learned that if it's yours, it's yours...if it's not, then it's not. I feel like I'm given a chance to being happy once again in my own way...

Blessings to both...



charlene said...

I knew what was actually going on inside you when you told me practically everyday about it just from the sound of your voice and excitement but I seriously didn't know what went wrong that it turns out to be a false hope to you.

i dont get what u meant by false hope?

~saRa~ said...

false hope...

remember before he nd me got close and all, he was always calling you up and also texting you and shows you that he has interest in didn't turn out to be,he changed because I appeared

get it now?

charlene said...

oh well...