Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I know it's been 3 months now since I turned 20 but I haven't talk about it
even posted a single picture from it!
But anyway I will indeed share it with all of you readers now
So have fun ya'll!!

*:*my birthday card from everyone*:*

(how very cute!)




*:*the sisters, Deby & Mirijam*:*

*:*mein Sister, Natascha*:*
(ich liebe dich!)



(die Bild ist sehr schoen)

*:*CLP2 blokes, Raj & Ace*:*

*:*my very FIRST 'Flaming Lamborghini'*:*
(one very wicked drink! love it much!♥)

*:*playing the hand drinking game with Ace*:*
(i WON!)

*:*BJ having a knocked out!*:*


Wot a blast I had! Many thanks to everyone who came tho
Especially to BJ and Ace for hosting a surprised party in Italiannese and TSB respectively!
The best birthday celebration so far!
Many good ones to come!

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